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Monday, February 10, 2014

#OhMy! Monday: @Tawny_Savage Discusses A Few Twists Coming Up in #BIGFOOT'S REVENGE #erotica

Welcome to my digs. What do you think? It's still in the early stages and I'm doing a little remodeling here and there. Most of it involves borrowing the banners from my fellow Sassy Vixen authors. They've already created some cool ones. Why not use them too? They're happy to share so this week it's Oh My! Monday.

What do I have to make you go Oh My! about? What would you say if I told you I wanted to share a few of the surprises in store for you in the third and final novella in the Bigfoot Chronicles trilogy? What was that? I can't hear you...

Yeah thought so. You're in too much shock to answer. You think I'd be stupid to tell you what's going to happen in Bigfoot's Revenge (The Bigfoot Chronicles 3). You may be right. I may be crazy...

Whether I'm nutso or not isn't the point. I am going to share a few of the secrets. 

Before I go any further, I will be giving spoilers here. If you haven't read my Bigfoot Chronicles yet...what's stopping you? If you plan on reading them at any point and hate when people give away the plot points, then stop reading right now!

Decided to stay? Good. You're either one of my fans...thank you! or you're one of those people who don't mind learning the surprises of the story ahead of time and then can't wait to read the story to get the full effect. Just. Like. Me.  READ ON!!

You may have already figured a bit out on your own if you read Brigid's Blessing and  Bigfoot Claims His Mate. You know that Bryanna's soon to be ex-husband is a twisted fuck, but have you figured out why? The scene where he's watching Bry and Ashar go at it in the garden was a twist even I didn't see coming. I mean, hello! We all thought he was safely locked away in jail awaiting transfer to rehab. 

HA! We leave him in the garden shed licking the sharp blade of his jagged hunting knife. You know the kind I'm talking about. Crocodile Dundee knife, baby. The kind that will filet a croc in thirty seconds flat.

Imagine what that kind of knife could do to a woman who has wronged you and made you look like a fool in front of your friends and family. Top it off, she prefers to spread her legs for your hairy ass brother...

That's right. I said BROTHER.

Ashar and Travis are brothers. They share the same father who is actually on his death bed. Ashar is to take over as Chief of the clan when his father goes on to the next world. What neither of them know is Travis actually has claim to that leadership role. He's older than Ashar by a year. 

Shocked? Wondering how it could be? Who kept the secret all this time? Think about it folks. Who has been working with the humans nearly all of her life to ensure the survival of her kind?

Etsey. The Shaman for the tribe knows all. She raised all of her son's children when his mate passed away during the birth of the youngest sibling. She refused the help of the rest of the tribe because she had to keep the identity of one of the children a secret. With the help of the humans, she was able to hide him away with a couple who never knew his ties to the Forest People. All they knew was they wanted a child.

If they only knew he was the blood of their sworn enemy! As you all found out in Bigfoot Claims His Mate, the Stevens family have a long standing violent feud with the Forest People going back centuries. Leaving Travis in their care, ensured his survival but taught him to hate his own kind. It's also why he can't fight his attraction for the females of Ashar's clan and why he took such pleasure in the rape and murder of Ashar's first mate, Taema. To cover up how sexually aroused he was around her, he coerced his friends to fuck her too.

I told you he was a sick bastard. Don't think that's all to the story as Bryanna and Ashar learn the truth in a most shocking and tragic manner. 

You really didn't think I'd tell you THAT part now did you? hehehe I have to save some surprises for you, my lovelies. Stay tuned. It's going to shock the shit out of you!

Need to catch up on the series before the new one comes out? Find them on AMAZON, BARNES AND NOBLE, ARe/OMNILIT, SMASHWORDS, KOBO, and iTUNES

Until next time,

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